Tiktok Star

Dixie D Amelio Phone number, Contact Details, House Address, Email, Biography, Wiki, Whatsapp and More

American well-known social media personality and TikTok Star Dixie D Amelio Wiki, Biography, Family, and Contact Information are available here. Her contact details such as Phone Number, House Address, Residential Address, Whatsapp, Email ID, Social Media Profiles, and related information are listed here.

Dixie D Amelio (TikTok Star)

Dixie D Amelio Phone number, Contact Details, House Address, Email, Biography, Wiki, Whatsapp and MoreDixie D Amelio Phone number, Contact Details, House Address, Email, Biography, Wiki, Whatsapp and More

Dixie D’Amelio was born on July 6, 2015, in Norwalk, the USA. As of 2019, she celebrated her 18th birthday with her friends and families. Her faith is Christian and her birth sign is Leo whereas her nationality is American and her ethnicity is White. Her parent’s names are Heidi and Marc. She attended King School in Stamford, Connecticut, where she had been on the varsity field hockey team. She ran track and played lacrosse in high school. Her sister Charli became among those fastest-rising TikTok actors from the platform’s history in 2019.

Dixie D’Amelio is Charlie D’Amelio’s older sister. Charlie D’Amelio is also among the popular TikTok senses. Dixie D’Amelio’s dad’s name is Marc and his mother’s name is Heidi. Dixie and her family are part of the United Talent Agency.

Dixie isn’t married yet but she’s now in a relationship with her boyfriend Matt Garavel. She’s shared her connection status with fans. She’s dating a man named Matt Garavel and they’ve been together since May 2018. She wished her boyfriend on their five-month anniversary on October 29, 2018. “joyful five lol!!! I love your best friend thank you for being you!” written by Dixie. She desired Matt a happy birthday on July 20 this year sharing a carousel of adorable photos on her Instagram. She went to prom with him and both celebrated Easter together this season. As of now, the duo is enjoying their life a good deal.

Dixie D Amelio Phone Number, Email Address, House Address, and Biography

TikTok Star Dixie D Amelio Addresses:

  • House Address: Dixie D Amelio, Norwalk, Connecticut, United States
  • Residence Address: Dixie D Amelio, Norwalk, Connecticut, United States

You can use the Dixie D Amelio house address given above for the fanmail or post mail purpose. If you are interested in sending a fanmail to her address given above, you can use that address.

Dixie D Amelio Phone Number and Contact Details:

You can easily contact her through various methods available below:

  • Dixie D Amelio Phone Number: Yes, American SIM number.
  • Social Media Star Dixie D Amelio Mobile Contact Number: Local Network SIM
  • WhatsApp Number: Available

Dixie D Amelio Email Address:

  • Email at: dixiedamelioteam@unitedtalent.com

Social Media Contact Accounts of Popular Star Dixie D Amelio:

Social Media profiles of stars are literally the best way to make use of sending online messages over the internet. Send a message with the help of social profiles Direct message option to her addresses listed below:

About (Dixie D Amelio – Biography)

Dixie D Amelio Phone number

Dixie D’Amelio and her sister were also part of The Hype House. The members of this group comprise Daisy Keech, Chade Hudsin, Avani Gregg, along with other popular social networking influencers. The Hype House began as a location for TikTok founders to interact and create content but the moment The Hype House began to become more of a business, the sisters resigned from it. They were also not part of the current group video that featured all of the members of The Hype House. Additionally, there are speculations that she’ll be joining the cast of Grey’s Anatomy in Season 17 but nothing has been confirmed yet.

She’s over 10.1 million followers on Instagram. She’s seen posting some adorable selfies and photoshoot pictures of herself on Instagram. Dixie has also shared pictures with her family on Instagram.

Dixie has over 24.2 million followers and 599.6 million enjoys TikTok (as of May 16, 2020). Among her recent movies on TikTok has gained more than 29.6 million views. She keeps posting dance, comedy, and duet movies on TikTok. Dixie also posted a video on TikTok about things one can do throughout the COVID-19 lockdown.

Dixie D’Amelio is also a YouTuber and she’s over 618K readers on YouTube (as of May 16, 2020). She’s only posted two movies on her channel till today and the most-watched video on her station is associated with her Wisdom Teeth Adventure that has gained more than 5.3 million views.

John Barrowman Contact Address, Phone Number, Email ID, Website
Phone NumberNA
House address (residence address)Mount Vernon, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Official WebsiteNA
Snapchat IdNA
Whatsapp No.NA
Instagram NA
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/teambarrowman/
Twitch IdNA
Twitter NA
TicTok IdNA
Email AddressNA
Office addressNA
Office NumberNA

Dixie D Amelio Phone Number, Email, Contact Information, House Address, and Biography:

Dixie D Amelio WhatsApp Contact Details: NA

Dixie D Amelio Address: Dixie D Amelio, Norwalk, Connecticut, United States

Dixie D Amelio Phone Number: 1-800-3444-22244

Dixie D Amelio Office address: NA

Dixie D Amelio Email Id: dixiedamelioteam@unitedtalent.com


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